A memorable marathon course through a historic battlefield.


The Chickamauga Battlefield Marathon is a scenic and varied course known for it’s ample sightings of wildlife and historical monuments equally suited to first marathoners and those chasing a Boston Qualifying time.


The slightly rolling, paved hills of the course provide a welcome shift in muscular focus for runners without additional strain of consistent climbing or neutral terrain.


With a consistent, yet uncrowded, field (no fighting for space here!), the course through the 9,000-acre battlefield has a long history of BQs and turning everyday runners into MARATHONERS.


In fact, we celebrate more than 100 first timers each year!


2025 Race Registration is NOW LIVE! 


The first 12 miles of the course will be the company of the half marathoners, after which the course will split and full marathoners will begin their second loop through the park.


Sentries and aid stations are located throughout the course. Vehicular traffic is light through the park, though we encourage participants to remain aware of their surroundings.


This is certified course (USATF #GA19004MS) and results can be submitted to the Boston Athletic Association on behalf of runners.


The full marathon bib timing chips will provide a gun and net time for all runners.


The overall winners will be determined by gun time and the age group winners by net time in each age group.


Results will be posted here after the race.


There is a 6 hour time limit for the full marathon.


Awards will be given for the following categories:


→  Overall Male & Female
→  Masters Male & Female (40+)
→  Grandmasters Male & Female (50+)
→  Senior Grandmasters Male & Female (60+)


The top 3 finishers (male & female) in each age group, 5 year increments starting with the “19 and Under “group up to 70+, will also receive awards.


First time marathon finishers will also receive a framed version of their bib. Please be sure to indicate if this is your first 26.2 when you register.

Marathon Entry Fees


2025 registration is NOW LIVE! 


Through April 14: $95

April 15 – June 23: $105

June 24 – September 1: $115

September 2 – October 20: $125

October 21 – November 7 (or sold out):  $135



NOTE: The half and full marathons are limited to 1,500 total participants to ensure safety for all and meet approval of the National Park Service. There is no Race Day registration available for these races.

Access even more information about what to expect on Race Day + answer to frequently asked questions.

2025 Registration is now live!


Save your spot on the start line for a scenic day in a historic park.

📢Registration is LIVE! What distance will you conquer?